So you run a nice little bed and breakfast? Your RV park is the greatest thing since sliced bread, right? Maybe you own a great campsite or quaint little cabins in an area that can’t be beat. Now you just need guests to realize that your accommodations are the accommodations that they can’t live without. But how do you do that? We have two words for you: tourism websites.
You might think that you only need a home-cooked, basic travel website design to get the job done. Wrong answer. You need to hire a professional travel website designer. Don’t just take our word for it. Pay attention to these reasons:
Three Reasons to Hire a Travel Website Designer
- Inspire confidence in your target market.
If you don’t have a robust, functional travel website design, you are missing an enormous opportunity to gain bookings for your business. Nearly half of all travel arrangements are made online now (40% to be exact). Even the 60% of travel arrangements that aren’t booked online, nearly all of them are dependent on the good ol’ interwebs. Some studies show that nearly 95% of travel arrangements are researched online before being booked.
What does that mean for you? It means that you need your website to be top notch in order to stay relevant. When 95% of your potential visitors scroll through your website, and only find something half-baked and clearly unprofessional, what do you think they will do? That’s right, they’ll book they’re stay with your competitor. Because your competitor has a professional website that gives them confidence. Hiring a professional travel website designer will ensure that 95% of your potential visitors will have that level of confidence when see your website. - Use your time and energy doing what matters (and what you love).
We are willing to be that you had a lot of great reasons for opening your destination. Maybe you love hosting people. Maybe you it makes you happy to make your guests vacations extra special. Maybe you wanted to by your own boss. Whatever the reason, we bet that you didn’t choose to to open your cute little bed and breakfast so that you could be bogged down with the nitty gritty like paperwork and details. One huge time drain is keeping your website current.
Running a successful travel destination requires you to keep your website relevant. You need to update it on a regular basis. This is important to convey that you are hip and happening to your potential guests, and also because this is one of the biggest factors that search engines consider when ranking websites (we’re going to cover the importance of SEO in just minute). You probably don’t have the time (or don’t want to dedicate your valuable time) to maintain your website as it should be. This is one reason many small travel business owners prefer to leave their website in the hands of a professional.
When you use a travel website designer, your website not only gets the professional-level design that you need. You’re also freed up to focus on growing your business. Maybe you want to make some site improvements. Maybe you need to have the time to make your guests fresh muffins. Now you have it. - Improve your search engine optimization (SEO).
When your potential clients are looking for travel accommodations, 70% of the time they start by entering their search query in Google. You want Google to have your business at the tip of their tongue. Most of the time, your potential guests will skip right past the paid ads. About 30% of online users will choose the first link. The second link gets about 18% of the attention. Each following link gets a little less love. If your travel website lands on the second page of search results, there’s a 70% that your online user will never even know it exists.So how do you get attention from Google? The truth is, there is an entire science behind this. There isn’t room here to spell it out for you. Instead, we recommend you hire a pro to do it for you. When you use a travel website designer, one of their highest priorities will be to do all the things that make Google love you.