Any successful business owner will tell you that marketing is one of the major aspects to a successful business. The better your marketing strategy, the more increase in sales your business will experience. While traditional marketing strategies, such as direct mail and print advertising are still used today, their success rates pale in comparison to strong online marketing campaigns. In fact, search engine optimization (SEO) leads result in a nearly 15% close rate, while those from more traditional leads only amount to a close rate of less than two percent.
While you may think that social media is the most effective portion of online marketing campaigns, this is not typically the case. In reality, search engine results are the most effective aspect of such campaigns. Searches are about three times as effective as social media campaigns, making them the number one driver of traffic to websites.
But does SEO really make that much of a difference when it comes to travel?
Of course, it does. Let’s take RV websites and other types of tourism marketing strategies, for example. When planning a trip, such as to a campground or bed and breakfast in a quaint, little town, most consumers search for different options online. Almost all of them will read reviews before making purchases, including reservations at the campground. RV websites are no exception. When planning such a trip, most individuals will search for these sites, read up on reviews, and then make a decision.
Therefore, it’s important to maximize SEO leads, especially when marketing for travel, or creating campground marketing strategies. An attractive campground website design, for example, will make a huge difference in whether visitors will continue to check out your site, or will decide to move on to the next one. This goes for bed and breakfast website designs as well!
In addition, be sure to include important keywords throughout the websites and in any content posted to the sites. This is the optimization portion of SEO, because it helps bring more visitor to your site by making it easier to find on search engines. Don’t forget that nearly half of all shoppers and visitors will start with a search engine. You want to make sure that your website is visible to get them to visit it and attractive enough that they continue to check out the site, or recommend it to their friends or family.
When creating a marketing strategy for travel sites, such as RV websites, it’s important to remember that online marketing is incredibly important to any potential visitors! Be sure to include important aspects, like SEO and strong website designs, and you’ll be well on your way to increasing the number of visitors to your RV website!