In the United States and around the world, individuals love going on vacation. In fact, it’s safe to say that people need a vacation occasionally. When you go on vacation, you get time away from your everyday life to relax your body and your mind. You can make yourself, and those around you, happy. Additionally, you get the opportunity to experience new cultures, take in new sites, try new things, and make memories that will last a lifetime. One such place to travel to for a vacation is Charleston, South Carolina. Charleston is the hub for tourists. It’s referred to as one of the “World’s Best Cities” to travel to. In actuality, thousands of visitors come to Charleston every year. It’s, quite frankly, the place to be. If you’re heading to Charleston for vacation, here’s what you should know about horse drawn carriages.
Horse Drawn Carriage Rides
To begin, seeing a horse carriage in Charleston, South Carolina is a very common occurrence. These carriage rides are a part of The Palmetto State, especially in the Holy City. You get the opportunity to see beautiful horses, and sit in the old-fashioned carriage. On a ride in a horse carriage, you will be exposed to the rich history and culture of Charleston. It is truly a once in a lifetime, incredible experience.
First, you’ll take open-air horse drawn carriages through every historical district in Charleston, for one hour. The tour begins in City Market. This is typically the location of the start of each tour. Your tour guide will have expansive knowledge of Charleston. They can successfully point out renowned buildings and landmarks, and they tell the story that belongs with each one. The tour guides are lively and they make learning about Charleston fun. Not only do they tell the story of buildings and landmarks, but they tell the stories of the people of Charleston. It’s a site-seeing, history lesson! It’s important to note that you should not be worried about missing any piece of the tour (landmarks, churches, the harbor, etc.), because the horse drawn carriages progress at a leisurely pace! Yes, the horses clop along as you take in all the beautiful city has to offer. Here are some facts before you take your tour!
Unique: Each horse drawn carriage ride is unique. You may question how this can be, if each tour travels along the same route.Wouldn’t they all be the same? This isn’t the case, however- and this is all thanks to the tour guides. Each tour guide offers you a different experience, because of their intelligent, funny, and charming personalities. They all have the knowledge to educate you on why Charleston is such a complex, interesting city, but they do it in their own unique way. There isn’t a guideline that each tour guide must follow. They aren’t being told what to say. Instead, they choose the information and stories to tell. Oh, here’s a tip: keep some cash on you, because tour guides do accept tips for an enjoyable, memorable tour.
Temperature: It’s important to think about the temperature when scheduling horse drawn carriages. If you’re visiting Charleston in the spring and summer, it’s more ideal and comfortable for you to take a tour in the morning. Charleston is known to get very hot and humid, so if you don’t want to sweat during a tour, the morning hours are best. You’ll avoid sweating and the dreaded Charleston humidity. Also, and more importantly, if it gets too hot, the tours are postponed for the day in order to keep the horses safe and healthy.
The Route: Charleston controls the route of each tour. They have to consider the tours causing traffic which can be a nuisance for the individuals who live and work in Charleston. Because of this Charleston has split the historical districts into four separate parts. However, you do not get to choose which part you visit. It’s all up to the carriage and the tour guide you get. In fact, the tour guide will lead you to a kiosk and a bingo ball decides the route.
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