The last dredges of summer are still in the air. Families all across the country are doing their best to enjoy the good weather before the air turns chilly and the leaves start showing orange. How about one more camping trip to top off a great year? Cabins can be found at any number of locations, though RV parks are proving popular because they check off nearly every box on the list. They’re comfortable, close enough to nature without being in the thick of it and, best of all, offer all sorts of amenities to take advantage of. There’s no need to get wistful! Look at the shortlist below and see all the activities you can still enjoy.
The Benefits Of Choosing An RV Park
You can camp any number of ways. You have tents, cabins, campgrounds, the works. RV parks, however, are much beloved and for very good reason. Just two years ago the revenue of both campgrounds and RV parks reached an impressive $6 billion. Back in 2014? Consumers spent well over $1 billion on camping equipment — these include, but are not limited to, backpacks, sleeping bags, fishing equipment, safety equipment and toiletries.
Get All Sorts Of Exercise While Having A Blast
Eager to shed a few pounds? Then you’ll have plenty to look forward to. Those weighing around 155 pounds can burn nearly 300 calories per hour by canoeing. For those who are a little over 200 pounds? Canoeing can burn nearly 400. This is, of course, all while enjoying the great outdoors and appreciating all that nature has to offer. For those that would rather do something else, you can lose weight and encourage a healthy heart by swimming, hiking or jogging.
Bolster Your Mental Health For The Upcoming Work Week
Vacation time isn’t just fun and games. It’s fun and games…that keeps you mentally sound! Resting in some choice cabins is a great place to start for those that need a break. Work stress is one of the largest contributors to sleeping disorders and meager mental health in the United States, making vacation time a great form of medication. Fishing has proven particularly useful for those that struggle with PTSD, with studies showing regular fishing can reduce feelings of panic, anger and nervousness.
Enjoy Nature, Wildlife And Beautiful Weather
There’s a lot to enjoy for the nature lovers out there. Rocky Mountain National Park, for starters, sees over three million visitors every single year. It boasts over 400 miles of streams alongside 150 different lakes. Over 200 species of birds have been reported to either inhabit or frequent the area, meaning you have more than enough photo opportunities or reasons to whip out your sketchbook. Do you like fishing? You have over four different species of trout to try and catch during your stay. Last, but not least, you have Trail Ridge Road to either drive or hike along.
Choose A Great Camping Spot
It’s time for a blow-by-blow of why you should get you and your family together for one more go. You can lose weight and have fun at the same time, engaging in all sorts of activities that do wonders for your mental and physical health. You can enjoy nature (especially apt for those that live in very urban environments) and even catch a fish or two for dinner. Best of all, camping helps family stay together by eliminating the stress of the work week and allowing everyone to let loose and relax.
Don’t let winter get you down. There’s still plenty of goodness to enjoy!