Since you love to camp, you’re probably aware that it is one of the most popular outdoor activities. While some campers have favorite campgrounds to which they return every year, other campers enjoy exploring new campgrounds. Whether you stay within 150 miles of home like 63% of adults, or travel further afield, you are most likely motivated by the sheer joy of camping.
What type of campgrounds do you prefer? A recent survey showed that the most popular campgrounds for 40% of adults are located in state parks. National park grounds were popular with 14% of adults, while 10% preferred local park campgrounds. Whichever you prefer, there are so many activities to engage in throughout these park systems, including one of the all-time favorites: hiking and taking in the beautiful scenery.
If you have an RV, you may prefer staying at an RV campground due to all of the amenities available. Then again, one of the benefits of staying at a campground with RV hook-ups is that you can still pitch a tent or sleep out under the stars should you so choose. You can also stay in cabins when you want to mix it up a bit.
Were you aware that RV campers tend to take the longest trips? A recent survey showed that 13% of these campers stay 7 or more nights. Campers that stay in cabins or yurts, however, tend to take the shortest trips. These campers, roughly 82% of them, may spend just 1 to 2 nights outdoors.
How often do you go camping? Do you plan your trips ahead or are you more spontaneous? Some campers, roughly 43%, plan a month ahead, while 34% don’t make advanced reservations.
The most recent “Campfire Canvass” included a survey with RV campers. When asked the main reason they were using their RVs more often during the current camping season, they provided the following responses:
- To be able to get away more often: 64%
- To spend more quality time with family: 47%
- To escape stress: 44%
- To travel less expensively: 42%
- To get away without having to plan in advance: 38%
Whether you relate to just a few or all of the reasons above, you also know that staying in your RV is also a convenient way to camp. In addition to having the amenities of home, you also have access to the great outdoors with its gorgeous scenery and fresh, clean air.