When looking into air travel consumer reports have helped me decipher which airlines best suit my needs. I trust consumer reports travel advice more than I do random websites. At least consumer report travel advice is from the masses, sharing real experiences. According to consumer reports travel insurance is more varied than I previously thought. When looking for travel insurance consumer reports offered a lot of great feedback for both positive and negative entities. When I read over the travel insurance reviews consumer reports had online, I got a much better feel for which companies offered the best care to their customers.
According to various consumer reports travel trailers are a very popular way to travel. I had not considered that. I read in a consumer report travel in a travel trailer is great fun for the whole family. According to one consumer report trailer travel is very cost effective as well because you can sleep, eat and travel in the same vehicle throughout your vacation.
I have found that after reading a consumer report travel got much easier. Consumer report travel advice has led me towards companies I might not have otherwise considered. Consumer report travel advice has also steered me away from companies I was going to try out. It is true that no decisions can be made off of just one or two reviews but when there is an overwhelming number of similar reviews, especially ones based on customer service, I am comfortable following the advice given.
All in all, consumer report travel advice is trustworthy. It is feedback from travelers, not from salespeople or professional writers. I much rather go to a hotel where hundreds of people have taken the time to write a positive review instead of going to a hotel who just sent me a coupon.