
Are you planning your next family trip? During the summertime, it?s always fun to take time off from work and school and enjoy quality family experiences. More than 37 percent of families say that taking time to vacation together is a great way to make everyone happy. Overall, family vacations are the activity that makes families happiest. The best way to do that is to unplug, go into nature and participate in a lot of interesting and unique activities together without distraction. Need some ideas as to what your family should do together this summer? Why not try something new? Have you ever rented cabins instead of hotel rooms for a family trip? Keep reading to find out why cabin rentals might be the answer to the best family vacation you?ve had so far.

You don?t have to be a fan of camping to enjoying spending time in cabins. You?re not as isolated and you?re not investing in in too many hiking and camping materials when you stay in a cabin at the campgrounds. Instead, you?re going back into nature with a few more amenities to make the experience more enjoyable for the entire family.

On top of that, when you stay in cabins, you can enjoy a number of activities nearby the campgrounds. One of the fun activities you can do at campgrounds is biking around rather than driving. Usually there are plenty of places a short distance from the campground worth exploring from beaches to the local grocery store. 33 percent of Americans choose bicycling as a form of recreation that they enjoy. What?s even more interesting than that is, every day in the United States there are more than 9 million bike trips taken making it a very popular activity.

Another activity you can do when renting cabins for a family vacation is zip lining. 48 states have commercial zip lines open for the public to experience. Try zip lining on your next family vacation, and it might be everyone?s favorite activity from the trip. It will be a thrilling bonding experience for the entire family.

If you?re close to a beach, pool or lake, swimming, relaxing and sunbathing may be a great activity for your family. You can spend the entire day bonding while you play games, swim, picnic and enjoy the great outdoors.

Lastly, you can always enjoy horseback riding while renting cabins. Usually nearby there are locations where you can pay for horseback riding lessons or just an hour long horseback riding tour through the woods or on a nearby beach. Your family will love riding horses together and exploring the area at a slower pace.

Don?t wait too long to plan your next family vacation. It?ll be an experience like none other that will bring the family together to make memories you?ll never forget. Have you ever rented cabins for your family vacation? Let us know in the comments how your trip went and what your favorite part about renting a cabin is.